This post is a sort of sequel to my last post, ‘One Day in heaven’. Suppose, as a creator, you have produced something significant, which people admitted as an admirable one; then there is a great possibility for your next works get influenced by this work. What I understand from the comments and direct opinions which I received for my last post is that people liked the story and the way the themes were combined and presented into a single post.
After six long months’ gap, when I met one of my friends of good old days of Trivandrum, at this Cochin city, happily we both began to explore some unexplored corners of the city. When he visited my dwelling place after some fruitless searches through dress shop windows, I showed off the latest post of Vanity Moments to him. After reading it, he silently admitted that, the multi-perspective narrative of my quest for God, truly has a charm to attract some more visitors.

“Will your bike stop at midway today also?”
Proudly I said, “Nothing will happen like that. Buddy, trust me. Because, it is my ‘sincere bike’, you know? And even if something unexpected like that happens, the God himself will come to rescue me.”
He just smiled.
I rode my bike a few more meters, and with a shock now I realized that my bike began conking once again. With an ‘Oh shit’ feeling, I thought that it was some two weeks till then I filled my petrol tank for the last time. Once the bike came to a complete halt, I said him piteously, “Buddy, I forgot to fill my tank again. I was running on reserve. Now, the fuel is finished completely”
He smiled, and said, “Ok Mr. Blogger, stop joking. Start your bike again. This is too late, and it is no time for your plays.”
I tried to convince him that what I told him was truth. Unbelievably, he tried to rock the bike and finally convinced when it produced no bubbling noise. We both remembered, while passing the nearest Petrol Bunk, it was already closed. And presently, no 24 hours Fuel Stations were operating in the city to our knowledge.
I looked around to see if any ‘God’ was hiding in the surroundings waiting for his turn to make a sudden appearance in an inadvertent manner. But no one came. I asked my friend to catch a taxi to go home, while I pull my bike all through the way to my settling place. We finally planned like that, but no taxis appeared.
In such situations, usually what I do is sitting idle for some minutes. I usually begin my actions only after those hesitant minutes. Here also the same thing I repeated. After those initial numb minutes, I sprang up into action, confronted some of the locals, and inquired if some Petrol Pumps could be operating at those late hours. Finally I saw, one teenage boy with a bike, talking to another one, at a distance. Hoping them to be the Gods of this time, I faced them and talked about my difficulty. Expecting one of those Gods picking up some old disfigured Sprite bottle from the surroundings, while the other one was undoing the cap of the bike’s petrol tank, I asked them, if they knew about any Petrol Pump operating anywhere in the city.
They informed me that a Petrol Bunk used to be functional till 10.30, which is located close to my friend's temporary dwelling place. I went back to my bike and friend. Together we lowered the bike to one side, so that the remaining drops of the fuel in the tank would come up and sock the operative edges of the tank. After that, I tried to kick-start the bike and succeeded in the second attempt. Without wasting any moment I drove with him aiming the Petrol Bunk, located some three kilometers away. The time was already 10.20, and I drove in such a way that minimum fuel could be utilized.
Finally, just a few yards away from the petrol bunk, from where I could have taken the bike to the fuel machine with a few pushes, my bike came to a dead halt. While filling the petrol tank, I turned and asked my friend,
“I think, now you know, why I call my bike, the ‘Sincere Bike’.
Tomz! I can see how once again there was a divine intervention...
ReplyDeleteNow make it a point to keep the fuel tank in check so that you can be a divine helper to someone else in need... :)
Dear Tomz,
ReplyDeletein Germany we say "Don't try your luck" - meaning: deliberately depending on help from above, when you are able to keep in your mind to fill the tank :-) In Bremen, where I come from, we say "All good things are three" - wonder what will come next and hope your trainers are ok for the next run?
Ah your bike tales just keep flowing.Now, is this a real one or is it yet another awesome cookup?
ReplyDeleteBtw what bike do you have?
You were lucky, Tomz.
ReplyDeleteDidnt you know it is no longer Gods own country? He has accepted defeat and surrendered it to the devil!
Tomz I think you were lucky the 2nd time. Third time God would expect you to help yourself- ie check your petrol status before you start!!
ReplyDeleteI dunno how did I forget filling my bike this time..I might be under the hangover of my last post
Hello Britta,
It seems that in Germany, u have no scarcity for proverbs. And thinking about your Bremen proverb, I am surprised, now what could be third in line?
Man, I don't cook up anything. perhaps u might be referring to the God's narrative. Man, Since you believe God exists, he could make whatever I write true..:)
Dr. Antony
I beg to differ with you in one case. As long as good people like you live in this place, God will never get defeated.
Yes. Third time, it is better if I myself will undertake the role of God, Isn't this that you mean?
I have nothing to say. Just that I am glad I read it. Opened many windows of thoughts for me.
ReplyDeleteAnd from the comments... Germany IS a land of proverbs. and ur "sincere bike"....good going...:))
Next time, you'd better be aware of the fuel status of your bike or God might not come to your rescue again and even sincere bike might give up on you :).
ReplyDeleteok this is coindcidence.. Friday i was driving to work on the third lane 80mph+ when the traffic stopped and as i stopped my car stopped a yellow light for engine management came and it wont start again.. que built up.. I signaled left ot go to hard shoulder.. on motorways traffic is VERY FAST.. two trucks 16 tyres screeched ot a halt .. all three lanes stopped and my car limped to the hard shoulder.. they would have easily run me over :) ..
ReplyDeleteI went on to hard shoulder thinking what can i do ring the rcovery ... I do not have recoveyr insurance and i thought 100+ pounds gone .. I thought let me give one last try I did and the car started .. :)
reached work... but had ot come back home too.. :) and first self the car started ...
Sat-sun car was home .. Today morning again same thing happened .. again I called the garage he gave me a number for a tow truck.. I sat in car from 8:23 to 9:15 trying ot start the car it would not start.. the garage guy gave me a number and just as the fone rang I turned the ignition .. car started :)
now car is in garage and phewwwww
ReplyDeleteOh Zeba u r in Germany rite? where exactly? Nuremberg?
Hmmm...thank u
Yes..and I am truly worried about the third time
First, in my opinion, u should take some recovery insurance. Machines some times work very strangely..
An interesting post, I've also very much enjoyed the comments left by other bloggers.
ReplyDeleteYou escaped this time too :)
ReplyDeleteGood but keep your fuel tank under check.
Its been some time now, that I was away from Blogs and Bloggers...Missed many of you...hmmm...
ReplyDeleteLoved this one and the earlier one too...especially the earlier one...
Even I had this experience of having somebody to help me at the most unexpected time...I have noticed, even during the worst time, there was one helping hand that helped me without expecting anything in return...That is surely God's way to let us know... "I am here, u dont worry..." hmm...
love it..